Eat Your Greens, Your Skin Will Love You For It

Eat Your Greens Y O U R S K I N W I L L L O V E Y O U F O R I T

Your mom always told you to eat your greens – well, she was right! Green fruits and vegetables contain concentrated amounts of nutrients and vitamins that offer a myriad of disease-fighting health perks and skin benefits. Despite the fact that greens are good for us, less than 10 percent of Americans eat their recommended amount of fruits and veggies, according to a 2009 study (

We challenge you to add more green plants to your diet and your skin care routine! To get you off to the right start, here are 3 leafy Eminence Organics ingredients and how they can benefit your overall health and beauty.

Kale When applied to the skin in products like our Citrus & Kale Potent C+E Serum, this leafy green helps fight signs of aging, irritation and sun damage. This powerhouse cruciferous vegetable is loaded with cancer-fighting and immune-boosting vitamins (A, B, C, K) and even anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Spa Professionals' Award-Winning Choice recently named it the Best Vitamin C Serum. Top Serum (and magic…elixir) in Men’s Health magazine goes to our Citrus & Kale Potent C+E Serum! “Stabilized vitamin C and extracts from leafy greens deliver strong antioxidants to reduce redness and soothe irritation.”

Hops Yes, you heard it right – when used in skin care, hops has positive effects on your complexion and plays a very important role as a feature ingredient in our Eight Greens products. When applied to the skin, hops reduce the look of inflammation, assist in forming collagen and help with the repair and restructuring of soft tissue. Although we’re not recommending alcohol for your skin care routine, we are giving two thumbs up to the beauty benefits received from a certain “hoppy” ingredient.
Stone Crop Although you may not be snacking on this succulent plant anytime soon, you can still take advantage of the healing, anti-aging, and skin brightening benefits of this hearty succulent in a variety of Eminence Organics products (including our Stone Crop Masque, Stone Crop Whip Moisturizer and a variety of our Bright Skin products). E M I N E N C E C E R T I F I E D O R G A N I C F A R M From healing burns and eczema to a common remedy for coughs and mouth ulcers, stone crop has been used for centuries because of its endless number of medicinal, health and beauty benefits (WebMd). Watch this green-themed mask mixology that features the stone crop benefits of our Bright Skin Masque combined with our Stone Crop Masque.